All my garden designs are sustainable, aiming to benefit the environment and the countryside around us.

This is important given concerns around climate change and the need to promote biodiversity in wildlife to support the ecosystem.

The photos on this website are from gardens I have designed and planted, none are stock photos, so you can see that I am a firm advocate of using perennial plants to attract pollinators and insects.

Helping Pollinators with Planting

I use a wide selection of native plants and flowers with long flowering periods to ensure a good food supply to pollinators such as butterflies, birds and bees.

Even in an area that receives above-average rainwater, plants are chosen to tolerate long periods without water due to dry weather.

These plants tend to be more resilient and can also withstand colder winters.

The principle of the right plant in the right place is always applied.

This means choosing plants based on factors such as sunlight exposure, soil materials type, moisture levels, and wind levels to ensure their optimal growth and health.

By following this principle, I aim to ensure that all my garden landscaping needs minimal maintenance, watering, and feeding in the future.

It also means that I achieve high levels of success with my plants.

I use gravel gardens when designing a garden landscape for a property in wetter areas to help provide drainage and stop root rot.

The gravel also acts as mulch and suppresses weeds and pests.

It absorbs and retains heat from the sun, creating a warmer micro-climate than the surrounding garden.

Tree Planting

All my planting schemes aim to introduce at least one tree into the design.

The Royal Horticulture Society claim that if all 30 million UK gardeners planted a medium tree and nurtured it to maturity, their gardening would help store enough carbon equivalent to drive you more than 11 million times around the planet.

In 2022 I planted approximately 280 trees in gardens for my clients.

Get in touch for sustainable garden design

So if you would like to play your part in looking after the environment around us, and reducing the impact of climate change, then contact me to arrange a free consultation for garden design services and planting on 07775 611047 or email, or use the contact form.

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